Yellow Page Advertising:
Worth The Price?
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Many homebased business owners when first starting in business find more places to advertise their business than money. We must understand the importance of advertising and the growth it can bring to our business relative to the cost of  that advertising. 

The first place a business owner investigates whether to advertise or not is the yellow pages. Why not advertise in the yellow pages? We are lead to believe that failure to advertise in the yellow pages means that our business will not succeed and after a review of the yellow page directory, it appears like most businesses have fallen for that sales pitch. 

As in all monopoly situations, advertising in the yellow pages is not inexpensive, particularly for a home based business. The cost,depending on the size of the ad, can constitute a significant part of an advertising budget. 

Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your yellow page advertising. 
Free Single Listing. If your telephone company includes a free listing as part of your monthly service, take advantage of this service and have your business listed. Every year many businesses are not listed because owners are not aware of the service. 
Bold Listing. Many times the yellow pages will offer this type of  listing at a small additional charge. Ask your yellow pages what options they offer.  
First Year Discount. Always ask for a discount. Most yellow pages offer the first time advertiser a substantial discount, in many cases in excess of a 50% discount. Although this discount is for the first year only, I have taken advantage of this discount for more than a year, so keep asking for the discount. Keep in mind, that the discount will afford you a larger ad but you need to remember to stick to your budget. As a suggestion, use the savings from your discount, to purchase another ad in  a different media. 
Finding Free Money. Do not forget that placing a manufacturer's name or product you sell in the ad could allow you to pick up some money to pay for your ad. The precaution here is to contact the manufacturer before placing the ad in the yellow pages. Many manufacturers have certain requirements that must be met before they offer to pay for an ad. 

Regardless of the size of your ad, keep your ad simple and to the point. Let your customers know the business you are in, your location and telephone number. Do not fall into the trap of thinking you must advertise in the yellow pages. Check all options and verify the response rate.