Welcome to Town USA What's New

Domain Hosting Services at Town USA

Internet Business Consulting, Inc:Web Promotion Services, click here to register your site to Over 1300 Search Engines & Link Sites. Also providing Complete Web Site Design Services.
Merchant Credit Card Service Set up
Town USA through IBCI can set up your business to accept major credit cards! Your business may be
pre-approved to accept Master Card, Discover, and Visa!
Click Here --> |  | for additional information. |
Town USA has added State Tax Rate Tables: Are you looking for the different sales tax amounts for each state, click here.
Town USA has launched the National: free Classifieds, News, and Weather; accessed separately from their own New Navigation USA Map locators.
Town USA has compiled a National Listing for Chambers of Commerce within the USA. This is a Free listing; including a Hypertext Link to each Chamber's Internet URL address. Chamber's of Commerce looking to provide exposure for their member businesses should fine this listing helpful. Town USA will also provide Chamber's who are not yet on the World Wide Web a Home page.

Click here to support our sponsors

Town USA has just made business
available through territories / partnerships and are actively seeking companies and individuals through out the USA, Canada & the World (Town.com); who would like to
be part of our family. Please contact us for more specifics about these opportunities.
Welcome to the Town USA Business Directory
Make sure your free Yellow Page Business Listing is on Town USA; simply click on your State's image to be added and to view listings. These free Yellow Page Business Listings are offered on Town USA's searchable Yellow Pages database;
consisting of your business name, phone number, address and provided with an interactive map showing the business location. Sponsorships, business links & banner advertising and Home Page Web Site Hosting is available on Town USA. E-mail us for information.
You can include a hypertext link
to have your Home Page linked to your free Yellow Page and to Town & Category/business type
listings (even if not hosted on Town USA) increasing the exposure of your web site to your local community & the World Wide Web.
Welcome to the Town USA National People Find
Lost touch with that old friend or classmate? Been wanting to contact them or to let them know you're still around? Looking for a relative you have not heard from for some time? Post your request in Town USA's People Find.
Welcome to the Town USA General Store
The General Store is set up to bring together businesses; their products and services, and potential customers. Have a product or service that you think would be of interested, rent out some space.
Welcome to the Town USA Advertisers and Sponsors Page
The Town USA advertisers and sponsors in part enable us to provide this site and to bring together businesses; their products and services, and potential customers. Please visit the advertisers and sponsors listings to support them and Town USA.
Town USA Site Navigator
You can also personalize your Town USA Page (your personal custom / navigation page) by clicking on the icon in the upper right
hand corner of the screen and following the instructions
from there.