Here are some tips that will make you a Town USA power user. We have made it easy for you to find local businesses in several different ways. In addition to the name, address, and phone number, you will find a link to a map showing you how to get to your selection, and if they have subscribed to Town USA's Business Link, you will find a link directly to their Home Page or Web Site. 1. Select Business Type — e.g., Advertising. A list of categories will appear. Select a category...then select search and all the entries in that catagory will apprear on your screen! 2. AND/OR Business Name — e.g., Town USA 3. OR Enter Phone Number — example: (860)871-0422 [ NOTE format & no spaces ] Simply enter the business phone number and click the search button. The business name and address and link to a map will appear on your screen. We know you will find our search engines are very easy to use, require little or no typing, and will get you the results you need. We welcome your comments
and suggestions ![]()