Last September Hartford Tonite! in cooperation with United
Distillers and Vintners ran a very successful restaurant promotion
called "Monday Date."
A similar program, which will include 10 restaurants, will take
place this year on three Mondays in September - the 14th, 21st
and 28th - from 6 to 9 pm.
The city's wide range of music and foods will be the emphasis
of this year's promotion. Each restaurant will have an international
music theme ranging from jazz to opera and will feature a special
drink. Most of the participating restaurants will also offer
a free gift with the purchase of the featured drink.
Customers will be able to rate the entertainers by filling out
a ballot. Those filling out ballots will be given a free gift.
The winning musical group will also receive a prize from Hartford
Details of the restaurants, drinks, music and gifts will be available
in the September issue of Hartford Tonite! and next week's The
Hartford News. Call 860-524-6536 to receive a listing.