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Easthartford News:


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Junior Women's Club of East Hartford
Non-profit, non-religious, non-political. Club goals to provide social, education and cultural enrichment through community service and fundraising activities. For further information, call 568-5798. Junior Women's Club of East Hartford is a member of Connecticut Junior Women, Inc.

Jr. Women of East Hartford Celebrate 25 Years!
In April, 1998, the Junior Women's Club of East Hartford will hold an afternoon social to celebrate their 25th year of community service in East Hartford. Former officers and members,as well as town officials and Connecticut Junior Women, Inc. Board members, will be invited. While the club is currently a small one, its members' service to the community is extensive...making meals at the Friendship Soup Kitchen, hosting Red Cross Blood Drives, Annual 5th Grade Spelling Bees, Holiday Baskets for the Needy Meals, Clothing and Monetary Donations to the Shelter, Project Graduation Donations Annual East Hartford High School Scholarships Aids Quilts for Children Donations to Special Wishes for terminally ill children, Donations to both the town's Food and Fuel Banks. The list goes on and on. We would love to hear from former members about projects they were invovled in. We also welcome any women over the age of 18 to join us at our regularly scheduled 7 pm monthly business meetings held on the first Tuesday of every month at the newly refurbished Community Center (room 12). For further information, contact Darlene Graham at 569-0007.
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